• photos

    Weekly Photo Challenge 2016: Project 52

    Sweet SistersYou have probably heard of 365 photography projects where you are challenged to take a photo every day for a year. So far I have attempted this type of project twice and have not made it past 5 months. This year I am trying something different and I am hopeful that I will actually complete this challenge.  Fingers crossed… I have made a list of 52 photo challenges that I want to try this year. Weekly Photo Challenge Actually, I started by brainstorming and thinking about different types of photography, places that I wanted to photograph, and skills that I wanted to learn or improve upon. I also included photo editing skills and…

  • photos

    Caveman Bridge East View

      I really love this view of the Caveman Bridge in Grants Pass, Oregon. This photo was taken on a nice cool morning from the Seventh Street Bridge. If you are interested in capturing a similar photo I recommend timing your shot between the traffic on the bridges. For one reason, it is nice to see the bridge without being distracted by vehicles in the photo. Also, as traffic went by behind me on the Seventh Street Bridge, I could feel the bridge move under me. My camera was set at 18mm, f7.1, 1/320, ISO 100.   ***Update***For the morning of the balloon festival this year (2019) there was very little wind and…