Weekly Photo Challenge: Project 52

Are you interested in trying a Project 52 Photo Challenge? It is a great excuse to take out your camera if you need some extra motivation. It is also a fun way to develop new photography skills. It is easier and less of a commitment than doing a 365 Project. I have started a few of those and have yet to complete one. Last year I completed my Project 52, which was really fun and I enjoyed it so much that I immediately started one for this year.

The format of the Project 52 Photo Challenge is to take a photo every week for one year (52 weeks in a year gives you 52 photos in the project.) There are many different ways to approach this project. You can use a list created by someone else as a guide to motivate you to be more active with photography, you can find a list that focuses on a specific genre that you like, or use a list that focuses on techniques that you want to learn more about. The lists below are based on skills that I wanted to learn and topics that I wanted to experience during the year. I hope that you find these lists useful and are inspired to start your own Project 52 Photo Challenge.


Project 52: 2017



Project 52: 2016