Make Your Own Fairy Garden
Making a fairy garden is so much fun! There are many different ways to make them and you can find supplies that fit your interests. The process is pretty straight forward; choose a container, some plants, add some rocks from outside, and then place your fairy in the scene. This summer, after helping my daughters each make one, I made a fairy garden for myself. (I couldn’t resist the temptation!) I also made one to give as a gift for my grandparents’ wedding anniversary. They were all fun to make and each one turned out to be very special.
Start by Choosing a Container
For the fairy gardens that I created, I used tin planters, a ceramic bowl, and a hand-crafted leaf-shaped dish. You may have some other ideas about types of containers that would work well for your fairy garden. Keep in mind where you plan to display it and if it will be indoors or sit outside. If you are using live plants you may want to find a container that drains well.
Make your Plant Choices
There are some beautiful succulents that look like miniature shrubs and trees that work wonderfully well in a fairy garden. The more small details that the plant has, the better. Variegation, textures, and tiny leaves all add interest. To get the most out of your design, try to choose three different plants with varying textures for your garden. You may be able to find succulents at your local nursery or even order them on-line. For my daughters’ fairy gardens I found some silk flowers and plastic succulents that they can arrange and re-arrange as much as they want.
Go on a Scavenger Hunt
Look around outside for rocks, bark, moss, and sticks to add to your container and plants. (This may have been my kids’ favorite part of the project.) Play around with the arrangement of these items. Try grouping sticks together or stacking rocks.
Create a Scene
For the best effect, try to match the scale of the items that you choose to the size of the fairies. You can add animals like cats and dogs or forest animals like foxes and raccoons. Miniature patio furniture, benches, and chairs look cute, too.
I hope that I have inspired you to try this out. It is a chance to be creative and try something new.